
Searching for Media

A search icon is located in the top right corner of the Tree screen and each person's/couple's Collection Page. Here you can search for a person's name, a location, an event, or any other item where the key word you are searching for was previously entered as part of either the Title or the Description of a Linked Album in your collection.

Upon entering a text string, you will see a list of Linked Albums where the text string is found in either the Title or Description of the Linked Album.   Thus, the more "key word" identifiers like names of people, events, locations, etc. that you add to the Titles and Descriptions of your Linked Albums, the more success you will have in using the search function.


  • The search is for the exact string of characters. Do not use quote signs unless these are desired in the search string.
  • The search is a "simple search" for only one string of characters per search. It is not possible to do a compound search using terms such "and" or "or".
  • The search does not include a search of "Entry" Titles or Descriptions.... only of their underlying "Linked Albums"' Titles and Descriptions. In many cases, the Entry and Linked Album titles and descriptions will be the same; but in Entries that contain multilple linked albums, the search would bring up only the Linked Album(s) containing the search term.
  • The search process does not look at any underlying data or meta data in the photo files you are viewing, such a photo file name, date, etc.  This is because these photos and other media reside in other cloud sites and not in MyFamilyArchive.