
Adding a Spouse

Adding a spouse is straight-forward, but please read below, if the person already has one or more children entered into the tree.

First, as with any Tree Edit, put the tree in Edit Mode. To do this, click the three dots in the top left corner of the tree screen.


Then click on the person to whom the spouse is to be added, and then click Spouse.

If Person Has at least One Child

If the person to whom the spouse is being added has children, you will be asked whether this is a child of the person as a single parent or a child of the person and this added spouse.

Appearance On Tree

If a male adds a second wife or more, the first wife shows up on our right and the second and additional wives show left of his image. This is seen below..

But if a female adds a second husband or more, the second and additional husbands also show left of the male image,connected by additional dotted lines. Clicking the circle to the right of the second husband brings up the wife and the joint couple's account. And the circle connects the viewer to children of the wife and second husband.