
Start playback at a specific point in a home video or movie

On three sites that we know of, Google Drive, Vimeo or YouTube, you can have a video start at a specific point on the video.

So, for example,  if you have a child's piano recital at minute 32, second 14 you can have the movie start playing at that point.  This is highly usefull as you start indexing great moments in MyFamilyArchive.

Here's how you do it.

Copy the share link of the video from the cloud site where it is stored.

Add a suffix to the link, which consists of this string: #t=[x]m[y]s  

In simpler terms, if you wanted to start the video at 10 min at 25 seconds into the movie, you'd add the suffix "#t=10m25s

Here's how it would look:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzPD86qtGF6cUVoycGNMYnRXTW8/view#t=10m25s

In this case, the video will start at this point.  Again, to our current knowledge, this can only be done on Google Drive, Vimeo and YouTube.

And on YouTube it's even easier...

Load up any YouTube video and pause the video at the specific point you want it to start. Then click "Share" and check the box at the bottom of the share screen.  This will add the suffix automatically to the share link which will cause the video to start at the current time.  Copy it and you'll have a share link that will start the video at the time you chose.