
Copy and Paste a Linked Album

There are times when one would like the same Linked Album to appear in two or more collection pages.  One example would be a photo album or movie of the birth of a child.  You might want this in both the child's collection and the family collection.  Or you may put a LInked Album in a person's collection but wish to move it to the family collection.  This copy/paste function makes that easier.

Please note.... this will copy and paste a Linked Album, not an Entry (because an Entry can have multiple Linked Albums).

  • First off, this will copy and paste a Linked Album, not an Entry (because an Entry can have multiple Linked Albums).
  • It’s not required, but we suggest you open your collection in two tabs in your browser simultaneously.  In one tab, navigate to the Entry containing the Linked Album you wish to copy.  In the other tab, navigate to the person/couple collection where you wish to paste it.
  • In the Entry where you want to copy a Linked Album, click the edit pencil to the right between the comment and delete icons.
  • In the bottom of the edit box you’ll see your Linked Album in a blue box. In the top middle of that box you’ll see an icon of two overlapping pages. That is the copy button and you will click that. A pop-up message in the top right of screen will confirm that the Linked Album was copied.  Close the Entry edit box.
  • Now go to the Entry where you wish to add this copied album. (It could be a new blank Entry or may already have one or more Linked Albums).
  • If a new Entry, there’s no need to add a Title or Description.  Simply click on the blue banner that says “Add Linked Album”.  (If not a new Entry, this will add an additional Linked Album.)
  • At the top right of the blue Linked Album edit box you will see “Paste Copied Linked Album”.  Click it and it will paste in the album name, description, link, and preview image.
  • Click save and it also saves these data fields to the Entry. Click save again and it’s in your collection.